Planting (Natural Swimming Pool)

Natural swimming pool planting

One of our key aims with the natural swimming pool was to ensure that it fitted in with the landscape and ecology of Phillipskop. For this, it was obvious that we would need to do indigenous planting using only the native flora. But indigenous gardening, certainly in the Cape, is…

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Construction (Natural Swimming Pool)

Natural swimming pool construction

Work on the natural swimming pool began in October 2019 under the supervision of Anton Duivestein of Walker Bay Construction. An unusual element of our project was that the area had already been excavated when the old dam was dug out. Normally, when building a swimming pool, one can dig…

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Design (Natural Swimming Pool)

Natural swimming pool design

Ever since moving to Phillipskop in 2014, we have wanted to build a swimming pool. However, it was important for us that it fitted in with the habitat and landscape that we are conserving here. A natural swimming pool was therefore the obvious route to go but such projects cannot…

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